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Event ID:  4403
Contact Name:  Alejandro Catalá Espí
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: 
Event Web Site: 
Dates:  5th October 2013 to 10th October 2013
Physical Event: 
Type:  Private
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Spain
State/Province:  Valladolid
City:  Boecillo
Event Name:  Simulation of RLS-ExoMars analysis of samples
Event Description:  This event aims to show to small groups of students the Mars Chamber that has specifically designed and built to be used by the scientific team of the Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) instrument that will fly on board the ESA's ExoMars rover. It will consist of a one hour private videoconference in which the Mars Chamber will be shown and a sample will be analyzed by means of Raman spectroscopy, explaining from the ExoMars mission itself to what we see in the Raman spectra. The event will be transmitted either in English or Spanish and registration before September 25th is mandatory. You can reach Alejandro Catalá by e-mail if you are interested. You will be assigned a time slot on October 5th or 10th depending on your availability. --- Este evento pretende mostrar a grupos reducidos de estudiantes la Cámara Marciana que ha sido diseñada y construida para ser utilizada por el equipo científico del instrumento Raman Laser Spectrometer (RLS) que volará a bordo del rover ExoMars de la ESA. Consistirá en una videoconferencia privada de una hora en la que la Cámara Marciana será presentada y una muestra será analizada mediante espectroscopía Raman, explicando desde la propia misión ExoMars hasta qué vemos en el espectro Raman. El evento será transmitido en inglés o español y el registro para el mismo antes del 25 de Septiembre es obligatorio. Pueden contactar con Alejandro Catalá por correo electrónico si están interesados. Se les asignará una hora los días 5 o 10 de Octubre dependiendo de su disponibilidad.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  I performed this event in two different days: October 5th to the Agrupación Astronómica de Alcoy - Astroalcoy in my birth city :) and October 10th to a school in Belgium with small scientists with hundreds of questions :)))
Attendance:  30
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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