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Event ID:  3647
Contact Name:  Colegio Americano de Torreón, A.C.
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  8712225100
Organization:  Colegio Americano de Torreón, A.C.
Event Web Site:  http://www.
Dates:  3rd October 2012 to 15th October 2012
Physical Event: 
Type:  School
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Mexico
State/Province:  Coahuila
City:  Torreón
Event Description:  Grades from preschool to 12th will have at least a space related activity. 4th-6th grades will have a mobile planetarium at school, paper rockets, soda bottle rockets and a haver craft. All the school community is invited to a telescope night.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  *The mobile planetarium was enjoyed by 300 students. *One first grade group made Spelling Rockets out of toilet paper rolls. *2nd graders worked on moon phases with chocolate cookies and painted the solar system on white paper then transferred to black paper. The students put their picture in the astronaut floating in space. *4th grade did research papers on students' interests in English class. In science class they made and launched paper rockets and wrote a lab report. *5th graders used scales and estimating magnitudes, made a model of our solar system using scales of the sizes and estimating the distances they are from the sun. In science class did research on satellites and made role-plays. They also simulated the liquid shift astronauts go through in space. *6th graders learned Newton´s three laws of motion and discussed them after riding a hovercraft and discussed Felix Baumgartner's freefall. *Intensive English read stories about a few constellations, in some cases with two different perspectives from two different cultures (for example, Greek and Aztec). We also had a very short storytelling session to hear a legend about the Big Dipper according to the Makah people from the very northwest corner of the US. *The community enjoyed Telescope night. More than 200 people attended to see through 7 telescopes. Activity guided by Planetarium Torreón and Sociedad Astronómica de la Laguna.
Attendance:  600
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  1000
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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