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Event ID:  3003
Contact Name:  Mariana Bonatiu
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  +40745049413
Organization:  Colegiul Tehnic Dimitrie Leonida
Event Web Site: 
Dates:  4th October 2011 to 10th October 2011
Physical Event: 
Type:  school
Start/End Type: 
Country:  Romania
State/Province:  Bihor
City:  Oradea
Location:  Colegiul Tehnic
Event Name:  We dream about life in space
Event Description:  Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday: together with a group of twelve grade students I will prepare all the materials that we will utilize. " Thursday, 6th October, at 12 o’clock we will be presenting a power point slide about the Solar System, to the third grade C, from the school, Oradea. The third grade students will receive an Earth – Moon scale model, build out of balloons. Then the students will be guided to build and launch racket models. Friday, 7th october, starting at 8 o’clock, more classes will participate in presentations about Space Travel,Planets, Galaxies, Tidal forces, during the scheduled physics hours.
Promotional Image:  No Image.
Report on the Results:  Like we have intended, in the first part of the week, a group of teachers, Mariana Bonaţiu, Marc Liviu, Băguţ Mihaela and a group of twelve grade students have achieved: - a power point presentation about humans first attempts to escape to outer space, more precisely about artificial satellites - we have modified by simplifying a power point presentation from last year in order to make it accesible to third grade students and - following NASA and ESA educational models we have started first steps in constructing ratchets, which were then finished and launched by third grade students - their enthusiasm proved to us that all our initial objectives have meet with success. The activities have ended Friday, when more third high school classes have attempted the power point presentation.
Attendance:  200
Attendance is Unique: 
Media Impressions:  0
Media Impressions are Unique: 

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