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Event ID:  10608
Contact Name:  Space Science
Contact Email:
Contact Phone:  505-841-2800
Organization:  New Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science
Event Web Site:
Dates:  5th October 2016 to 7th October 2016
Physical Event: 
Type:  Public
Start/End Type: 
Country:  United States
State/Province:  New Mexico
City:  Albuquerque
Location:  1801 Mountain Rd. NW, Albuquerque, NM 87104
Event Name:  World Space Week
Event Description: 

The annual World Space Week is the largest international celebration of space science and technology and their contributions to the betterment of the human condition. "Remote Sensing: Enabling Our Future" is the theme of this year’s event and the museum is hosting three public talks by local experts.

All talks will be held in the STEM Education Auditorium at 2 p.m. and are included with museum admission!

Wednesday, October 5
Citizen Science with NASA and the GLOBE Program
Jeannie Allen, Science Educator, SSAI at Goddard Spaceflight Center

Not long ago the ability to participate in studying the Earth from space was the purview only of scientists with graduate degrees. Since then a revolution has taken place. Data and imagery of the Earth from space are much more accessible to the public, and NASA has begun to engage with citizens to help improve our scientific understanding. NASA and The GLOBE Program are in partnership to engage citizens in measurements of our Earth’s systems, helping to interpret the data from satellites. Citizens will follow specific protocols to measure clouds, land cover, and mosquitoes for a start. Jeannie Allen explains and teaches the big picture of NASA's Earth observations, what it means to be a citizen scientist, and how to use the GLOBE Observer app to become part of a global community.

Jeannie Allen is a space science educator at Science Systems and Applications, Inc. at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, but works from her office at the Museum. She has been an educator for NASA's Landsat satellite mission for 16 years.

Thursday, October 6
40 Years on Mars: Celebrating The Viking Mission
Larry Crumpler, Ph.D. and Jayne Aubele, NMMNHS

The Viking Mission to Mars was the first time any spacecraft, from any nation, landed on Mars and used new techniques of remote sensing on another planet. This was a big and complex mission with two orbiters and two landers working simultaneously. They arrived at Mars in July and September, 1976. Larry Crumpler and Jayne Aubele were young graduate students in the geology department at UNM at the time. They’re contributions were pivotal to making the mission a success, and they have been working “on Mars” ever since. Listen to the details about an amazingly successful project that took place at the very beginning of our exploration of Mars. Amazingly, many of the techniques, tools, and data from Viking are still used today in our ongoing studies of Mars.

Larry Crumpler and Jayne Aubele are husband-and-wife geologists who have studied and mapped volcanoes on three different planets: on the ground on Earth, and remotely on Mars and Venus. They met as graduate students at UNM, published their first joint professional paper based on research during the Viking mission, and then spent nearly 20 years studying and working elsewhere while they tried to get back to what they say are the “best volcanoes on Earth,” right here in New Mexico. Larry is a Research Curator at the Museum and Jayne is the Museum Adult Programs Educator.

Friday, October 7
Advanced IR Imaging for Rapid Decision Support
Wellesley Pereira, Ph.D. and Gabe Mounce, Air Force Research Laboratory

The Air Force currently utilizes advanced infrared (IR) imaging systems to aid the military in remote sensing of both battlefield scenarios and civilian or scientific applications. This presentation will give an overview of experimentation and research to develop advanced IR sensors for use in space happening at Air Force Research Laboratory, New Mexico.

Wellesley Pereira has a background in Astronomical Instrumentation and Space Sciences, which he has combined with the world of Infrared Physics, Optics, and Engineering, and now leads the research and development of advanced scientific and experimental payloads. He also serves as the Associate Editor of the SPIE Journal of Applied Remote Sensing.
Gabe Mounce is a Senior Electronics Engineer and directs research activities focused on increasing the reliability, survivability, and performance of space electronics used in the U.S. Air Force and other federal agency space systems. Mr. Mounce has degrees from New Mexico State University and the Air Force Institute of Technology.
Both work at the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Space Vehicles Directorate in Albuquerque.

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